Kilcoy Cup accompanied with Veterans Race Day
Sat 27 August 2022
Two of our most popular and exciting Race Meetings at Kilcoy Race Club in one! What a treat!
Including a chance to respect our Veterans, always an honour.
AND, it’s F R E E E N T R Y !!
Gates open 11am
Wow, where to start. What a day we have planned.
First Race 12.15pm
12 Race Card
6 Gallops
3 Mini Trots
Fashions on the Field
Members Draw $100
Lucky Ticket Entry Draw $50
Pick the Card $500
Raffles – 1 fruit tray, 1 painting
Phew! There’s a lot going on. You’ll need an itinerary for the day there is so much happening!
Reserved seating options are below.
Winning Post Gardens (10 People) $200.00 per booking
Marquee with seating for 10 – BBQ, Beer Van, and Bookie will be located in this area. Directly in front of the parade area and close up of the horses entering the track and perfect view of the winning post.
Betting Ring Table (1-3 People) $15.00 p.p.
Betting Ring Table (4-8 People) $10.00 p.p.
Reserved table and chairs in the Betting Ring. Great view of the winning post. Close to the bar and bookies.
Cafeteria Table (1-3 People) $15.00 p.p.
Cafeteria Table (4-8 People) $10.00 p.p.
Reserved table and chairs in front of the Cafeteria. Brilliant view of the home straight. Close to all amenities.
E: admin@kilcoyraceclub.com.au
P: 07 5497 1128